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  • Art I, Beginning Level


In Art 1, students will learn about the basics, including the elements of art and the principles of design. Students will learn to draw, to manipulate various 2-D media, color theory and the process of art criticism.  All future learning in the Visual Art Program builds from this initial and foundational class.



  • Art II and III - Intermediate Level


Students in Intermediate Art classes will continue to refer back to their foundational skills and build upon them further by developing their individual styles, establishing a portfolio of work in a wider array of mediums and studying art history and criticism. 



  • Art II and III - Advanced Level


Students in Advanced Level Art classes will vary from Intermediate Art classes only in that the rigor and production expectations will be greater.  Students in Advanced Levels should expect to spend a significant amount of time working outside of regular school hours if their hope is to develop a portfolio of work for application to a fine arts high school.



  • High School Art I


Prerequisites for course requirements-


Students successfully completing 2 consecutive years of middle school art (2.0credits=2 full-years over consecutive semesters) may be enrolled in HS Art I Y for high school credit. Students entering program with visual arts experience may not test for advancement to higher level course; approval and signature by the teacher of record and principal may not be obtained before student is advanced. HS Art I Y is only available for 8th graders on a middle school campus. Breaks in course time with an art certified instructor will result in loss of credit for the student. District Requirements for instructor-Current Certification Art K-12. At least 3 previous years of teaching experience in visual arts, appropriate and adequate technology for students to engage with TEA adopted resources, a working kiln to engage in TEKS and curriculum requirements, appropriate materials to provide in-depth comprehensive mastery of techniques. Instructor must provide student work for district, state and national competition experience for each student to complete course credit.

**2-year prerequisite required



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